
This is a blog about sailing, but it’s not all about going offshore: there are posts about building a lapstrake pram dinghy, about nerdish technical issues that I’m interested in, such as electronic navigation and chart accuracy, about barge cruises including the Venice lagoon, and we also intend to canoe the lengths of the Stour (for the fourth time) and the Waveney, the southern and northern borders of Suffolk.
The sea is still the main objective. We’ve sailed to Scotland and Ireland in two extended round Britain cruises, been countless times to France and Holland, and chartered often in the Mediterranean and as far as the Seychelles. There are more places we plan to go.
As well as the chronological list of posts under ‘All Posts’, they are collected into categories through links at the top right on a computer or underneath the posts on a phone screen. So you can go straight to navigation issues, cruises, or to long reads and essays, which include tales from the 1950s to today.
Among these are the rows we once had at the Guardian, my one-time employer, when the former Tory Prime Minister Ted Heath launched the paper’s sponsored racing yacht. We also tell how the Bank of England’s yacht was sunk, in a manner of speaking, and I got the blame. For those who like the classics, I had a fascinating opportunity to study the 2,500 year old argument about the settings for Homer’s Odyssey, which you can read about in ‘Greek pilotage puzzle: where’s Ithaca?’

One thought on “About”

  1. My movie Iliadizzy is The Trojan War revisited, exclusively sea battles, 21st C. ammo. The Dizzy, taken from my discovery of Penelope’s journals. What luck! Who wrote the Dispute in Ithaca, damfino. If an Irishman can’t get in a word, Guinness records are obsolete. I read the Ironworks piece; left comment. The Jewish Cemetery piece today, Ty for comments. Whoever is the Sailing-age hero writing, Thank you. Check out the trailer to Iliadizzy svp. ever SA

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